“Murder in the First” 1×3 – Mulligan makes a tough decision while Erich becomes suspect number one


In last week’s episode, Mulligan and English begin their investigation into Cindy’s death while English deals with losing his wife and his sister-in-law.

In this week’s episode, titled ‘Who’s your Daddy?’, Mulligan and English continue to work the case while Hildy is confronted by a witness from the past and worries for his mother’s safety after she is abused by her husband.

Erich is having a new affair with his co-worker, Ivana, and it looks rather rough between the two of them.

It looks like Mulligan’s/English’s expectations were right as Erich is the father of Cindy’s death. Of course now that they have this information they are going to go after him forcing Erich to hire Daniels. And of course, Daniels has guidelines that include no lying from Erich. That’s something that Erich is not good at doing. No doubt that he will try and lie to Daniels soon enough.


A woman named Hannah comes to the police and told Dave and tells them about how Erich raped her and paid her to be quiet. (This looked similar to what he did to his co-worker). Of course there was a no talk clause in the agreement and David can’t promise to protect her from Erich. In the end, she doesn’t care and agrees to help him.

Trying to get more dirt on Erich, Mulligan/English talk with the other workers on the plane and learn that Cindy was also sleeping with her boss, Bill.

Things take an unexpected twist as Mulligan/English talk with the ME and learn that he was wrong with the time of death. Instead of it later in the evening, it was actually earlier. Around 8:30 pm which means that someone sent a text from her phone at 9 pm impersonating her.

They catch a break as English talks with Blunt’s dealer. He tells him where Blunt picks up his drugs.

Koto and English go to talk to Perez about them going after Erich. She is satisfied with what they have and we get to see that Koto and Perez are more then just friends. No surprise that there are hidden relationships all over this show. It’s expected in this kind of show.
By the end of the show, they have enough evidence to arrest Erich. Which means the war has begun.


Meanwhile, English looks for new apartments and finds one in a water boat. Also, things may be heating up with his realtor as she flirts with him. Mulligan’s luck may be turning around in the dating department with her new date, Shawn.

One of the kids from the first murder, D-hop, goes to Mulligan and tells her about how his step-father abuses him and his mother. She gets a call one night it is bad and she shoots the man dead. It’s obvious that she is shaken up by it considering that she knows what it’s like. Wouldn’t be surprised if this comes back later in the trial portion with Erich as well.

In next week’s episode, Erich goes off for a drug filled weekend with Ivana, while English helps Mulligan deal with the shooting and trying to get her not to lose her job.

What did you think of the show?

as published by on examiner.com

One thought on ““Murder in the First” 1×3 – Mulligan makes a tough decision while Erich becomes suspect number one

  1. […] last week’s episode, Mulligan and English continue to work the case while Hildy is confronted by a witness from the […]

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